Thursday, March 11, 2010

Say "When!"

For the demonstration, I say, of His righteousness at the present time, so that He would be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus. (Romans 3:26)

What am I trusting Jesus for When …

When I get married and have kids and a house with a white picket fence and achieve the American dream? When I get the job I’ve always wanted? When I score the winning basket in the NCAA national championship? When I become CEO of a Fortune 500 business? When I become rich and famous?


When my car breaks down? When I lose my job? When I sin again in the way I’ve sinned for years? When my health fails? When my child rebels? When my parents are unreasonable? When my friends reject me? When school is boring? When my spouse leaves me? When I can’t find a spouse? When I can’t have children? When I can’t seem to handle the children I have? When I can’t buy a house? When I can’t hang on to the house I bought? When life isn’t what I expected? When my latter years aren’t what I’ve dreamed of? When I’m not rich and beautiful and famous and accomplished? When life is hard? When relationships are difficult? When my sin is ever before me? when I die? When I stand before God and give an account for my life?

So often in everyday life we forget what we came to Christ for … what we are trusting Jesus for! And we fail to apply that to our life situations.

• For some of us, our problem is condemnation. You need to trust in Jesus and submit to God’s gift of righteousness. (Romans 10:3)
• For some of us, our problem is complaining. You need to trust in Jesus and submit to God’s sovereign will. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)
• For some of us, our problem is conformity. You need to stop conforming to the world and start conforming to Christ by submitting to God’s Word. (Romans 12:1-2)
• For some of us, our problem is conversion. You need to turn from idolatry and self-righteousness and trust in Jesus for LIFE and righteousness. (Romans 5:21)

Are you trusting Jesus? Have you ever come to Jesus for LIFE?

All You Need is Willingness

If the reason why a sinner is to come is because all things are ready, then it is idle for him to say, ‘But I am not ready.’ It is clear that all the readiness required on man’s part is a willingness to come and receive the blessing which God has provided. There is nothing else necessary; if men are willing to come, they may come, they will come. Where the Lord has been pleased to touch the will so that man has a desire towards Christ, where the heart really hungers and thirsts after righteousness, that is all the readiness which is wanted. All the fitness he requires is that first you feel your need of him (and that he gives you), and that secondly, in feeling your need of Him you are willing to come to Him. Willingness to come is everything. (Charles Spurgeon, p 29, Advice for Seekers based on Luke 14:17)

Come to Jesus for righteousness and LIFE and keep coming every day of your life! (Colossians 2:6-7)

This is a portion of the written sermon, What Are You Trusting Jesus For? (Part 1) (March 7, 2010)

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