Monday, October 6, 2008

"What Does That Look Like?": Sunday Worship, Serious Suggestions, and the Spirit of Freedom

Making Sunday Special

This past Sunday I preached on "making Sunday worship special" and I did something that I don't often do. I gave a long list of things to do or not to do as a way to apply the truths we were talking about. So, now I want to help us think through how we should respond to exhortations to do or not do specific things in response to truth that we see in Scripture.

Responding to List-O-Mania

So I want to try to answer the question, "What should we do with the lists that preachers and teachers and authors come up with as specific applications of truth?" For instance, how would you respond to this exhortation from John Piper?:

It astonishes me how many Christians watch the same banal, empty, silly, trivial, titillating, suggestive, immodest TV shows that most unbelievers watch - and then wonder why their spiritual lives are weak and their worship experience is shallow with no intensity. If you really want to hear the Word of God the way He means it to be heard in truth and joy and power, turn off the television on Saturday night and read something true and great and beautiful and pure and honorable and excellent and worthy of praise (see Philippians 4:8). Then watch your heart un-shrivel and begin to hunger for the Word of God.

A False Dilemma

There are two extreme ways you might respond to this: (1) You might reject it as simply an expression of legalism: "That's pure legalism! The Bible doesn't explicitly say that!" or (2) You might receive it as "the will of God": "Wow! I didn't realize that that was God's clear will for all Christians." Some see these two responses as the only possible ways to handle such a comment by Piper. But there is a third, and I believe, a more Scriptural response to these kinds of specific applications of truth, or exhortations, or "do or not do lists." The third option is to see these kinds of specific applications and "lists" as "serious suggestions." (This is similar to Paul's counsel in 1 Corinthians 7:25-28, 35-38)

"Serious Suggestions," Can You Be Serious?

What do I mean by a "serious suggestion"? First, of all, I don't mean to downplay the importance of what is said. But the two words are carefully chosen. A "suggestion" is not the same as a "command." A command, in this case - a divine command, obviously carries much more weight and authority than a human suggestion. But that does not mean the human suggestion (ie, a suggested way to live out divine truth in line with divine commands) is not important.

That's where the word "serious" comes in. A serious suggestion means that we should seriously consider doing or not doing something in our Christian lives. We are to take these suggestions seriously because we are exhorted to be continually asking ourselves (in response to the truth of Scripture), "What does that look like?" It is one thing to say that we believe that God is present in a special way when we assemble together as believers in Jesus for corporate worship, and study, and fellowship, and to base this belief on Scriptural convictions. But it's another thing to apply that truth to our lives in conscious, concrete, observable and even, imitable ways.

Passionate Suggestions

John Piper is a passionate guy. He speaks and writes passionately. Sometimes preachers and teachers and authors can present "serious suggestions" in a very passionate way that may give the wrong impression that they see them as more than "serious suggestions," and really see them as essential and necessary to Biblical Christianity and pleasing God for all believers. As I just said, this may be a confusion created by the passionate way in which these "serious suggestions" are given. Does this mean the passion is out of place? I don't think so. I think it is the reality that the passion is misplaced by the hearers (hopefully not by the speaker or writer). We can be passionate in our giving "serious suggestions" without being dogmatic about them because what we are trying to convey is a passion for the spirit of the suggestion, not the suggestion itself. So to express passionately the idea of reading something inspiring on Saturday night instead of watching TV in order to prepare for worship need not be meant to communicate a passion for the act itself, but rather a passion for the heart that should or could fuel such an act: a heart to hear the Word of God.

Concrete Response to Truth

So when preachers and teachers (like me) give a list of "do's and don'ts" (specific ways we could flesh out or act on the truth seen in Scripture) or when we read books that give these kind of specific ways to apply truth, we need to see them not as "pure legalism" or "divine will" but "serious suggestions." We need to see these "lists" or individual suggestions as things we need to seriously consider as we seek to concretely act on our belief in specific truth. To say we believe something and not act in concrete ways to express that faith is to be a "hearer and not a doer of the Word." (James 1:21-25)

Free to Do Whatever?

We also have to be careful of how we define "freedom in Christ." It is true that if the Scripture does not clearly prohibit something or command something then we can put that issue in the category of "freedom." But a "freedom issue" is not an area where we can do whatever we want. A "freedom issue" is an area where God has not given us a clear command and has, in that sense, left us "free." But what He does command is that we exercise our freedom responsibly (Galatians 5:13) and with wisdom in light of all that Scripture teaches about God and man and life (Ephesians 5:15-16). So we still have to wrestle with the questions, "Does this glorify God? Is this profitable? Is this edifying? Does this master me? Is this really wise in light of my spiritual goals to become like Christ and be a blessing to others?" (1 Corinthians 6:12; 10:23, 31; Romans 14:1-12)

When a "List" Isn't Legalism

I am very much against legalism. I realize that practical applications that people try to make and "lists" of things to do or not to do can appear as legalism to many. And, depending on how we look at them, it certainly could be a form of legalism. But that is not necessarily the case. R.C. Sproul in his book, Essential Truths of the Christian Faith, identifies four different kinds of legalism: (1) The belief that one can earn one's way into the kingdom of heaven, (2) The adherence to the letter of the law to the exclusion of the spirit of the law, (3) The addition of our own laws to the law of God, and (4) The practice of majoring on the minors.

If we see or hear someone give us "concrete" ways to live out a belief in a particular truth of Scripture, or ways to apply a particular principle in Scripture, we certainly must be careful of a legalistic response to what they say, knowing that only Scripture carries the authority of God for our lives. I should not take anyone's list of practical applications of a particular truth and (1) make them a standard to achieve in order to gain heaven, or (2) follow the letter of the list without concern for the spirit (or heart) that it should express, or (3) add the list to the commands of God in Scripture for all people to follow at all times in every situation, or (4) make the list more important than love for God and love for others. If we avoid these things, lists of practical suggestions about how to flesh out our faith in the truth can be liberating rather than legalistic.

That's the Spirit!

So, as important as "being doers of the Word and not hearers only" is in doing concrete things to express our faith, we must not forget that it is the "spirit/heart" (not the "letter") that is most important in regard to these practical and serious suggestions about walking out our faith. We are to maintain our commitment to the spirit (heart expression and attitude) of what the Scripture calls us to believe and to do. But we are to do this without becoming enslaved to something that is a "concrete" expression of the spirit of the Scripture but not a "commanded" expression of that spirit.

So, what I'm saying is, you can still be committed to loving the church and ministering to others and still choose to leave after church and not stay for the picnic on any given Sunday. The issue is the "spirit" of being committed to valuing the special presence of God among His people and loving the body of Christ in a local church setting, not the "letter" of staying every Sunday and picnicking on the school grounds. Or you can get up during the service and go to the bathroom if you really need to. The issue is the "spirit" (heart) to hear the Word of God and to participate in all that is happening during the worship service, and doing all you can to enable yourself to not need to do that for the honor of God and for your sake and for the sake of not distracting others. The issue is not the "letter" of never getting up to go to the bathroom during a service.

Hindered by Provi Who?

One final question. What is a "providential hindrance" in relation to being at church on Sunday? A providential hindrance can be something that makes it impossible to get to church (car trouble, hurricane, etc) or a combination of circumstances that, when considered together, make another choice the wise thing to do under those circumstances. This is where you will be responsible before God in determining what set of circumstances would lead you to choose to do something other than go to worship with the people of God. For instance, Should you travel on Sunday when on vacation rather than take time to attend worship somewhere? It is not my job (or any Christian's job) to tell you what to do in this situation or to "pass judgment" on your decision, but it is our place as Christians to raise the question in each other's minds, Where is my heart in this decision and is it really necessary? Do I have other options? What would please the Lord, all things considered?

Helping Us with "What Does This Look Like?"

The truth that God views the corporate identity of the local church as His special dwelling place, like the "holy of holies" in the Old Testament, and promises to work in special ways in us and among us as we worship Him together in "spirit and truth," must be believed and it must be acted on in concrete ways. (1 Corinthians 3:16-17; Ephesians 2:19-22) How are you applying this truth in your own life? How is this truth making a difference in what you think and do in regard to the local church and Sunday worship? If your answer is, "I don't know," then that is why "serious suggestions" can be helpful in forming truth-based, promise-driven practical principles and plans for putting our theology into practice in everyday life.

That List I Was Talking About

So in light of these considerations, I am comfortable in encouraging you to consider these "serious suggestions" regarding "making Sunday worship special":

1. Fathers, communicate the importance of worship with the Church to your family.
2. Speak well of the church around the dinner table.
3. Pray for God to meet us on Sunday.
4. Pray for those leading and for a humble, open, teachable heart.
5. Prepare on Saturday night and Sunday morning by ...

Getting to bed at a good time to get sufficient rest.
Turning off worldly TV and stay away from worldly movies (use something to stir your hunger for God and His Word).
Getting up in time to read the Word and pray before you leave.
Avoiding the paper and TV and radio news, sports, work around the house, etc. and other distractions.
Getting to church on time (give yourself plenty of time).

6. Come to receive (take advantage of both Bible study and worship; bring your Bible; take notes if it’s helpful; listen carefully).
7. Come to give (to participate, respond, communicate, share, interact).
8. Work to minimize distractions for yourself and others (go to the bathroom before the service; watch your liquid intake; sit closer to the front).
9. Trust God for good no matter what happens (even if the message seems boring or you don't care for the music style or selection).
10. Make it non-negotiable (unless providentially hindered).
11. Talk about the message afterward.
12. Take time to fellowship afterward (stay for the picnic).
13. Get outside your comfort zone and cliques and look for opportunities to minister and encourage.
14. Review the study and sermon notes during the week.
15. Remember that there is more to the gathering of the church than what the eye can see.

God bless you as you consider these "serious suggestions"!

Pastor Earl